New Models
Complex RAY-Online
The complex is intended for prowhispers in a mode of real time.
Conversation interception in complex RAY-Online occurs on the basis of multiport conference work.
The complex is unique on the set of functions which really allow to receive the information from any point of the world where would not be spyphones and where communication GSM works.
The complex consists from spyphone — a cellular telephone with our program established on it, GSM the modem and the software for the computer.
Appearance of the operating program:
The basic functions and operating modes:
1. Acoustics control
2. The conversation control at an entering call
3. The conversation control at a proceeding call
4. The control entering SMS
5. The control proceeding SMS
6. Reading of notebooks SIM of a card and phone, lists of accepted, not accepted and typed numbers.
7. Remote programming
8. «Black» and «White» filters
9. Blocking SMS
10. Definition of new number at change by subscriber SIM of a card
11. Number definition
12. Control possibility at not number definition
13. Definition approximate a site of the subscriber
14. The control as from the computer and operatively from a mobile phone is possible.
15. The control of acoustics after conversation
16. Remote control by the device
17. A dialling mode
18. Programming of functions probably in any combinations
19. Erasing number
20. An automatic recording of the received information on a hard disk
21. Safety
1. Acoustics control
2. The conversation control at an entering call. During an entering call spyphone sends SMS about the conversation beginning on supervising phone with the information on number with which there is a call, and as about that that a call entering. Having received such SMS the program in an automatic mode the spy will call on phone and will begin a conversation recording. If the control is carried out from a mobile phone that after arrival such SMS to you it is necessary most to call on controllable number. Two moments of sending SMS about the conversation beginning are possible, during a call when connection is not established yet and at the moment of the conversation beginning. In the first case SMS comes faster and passes less time between the beginning of conversation and the moment of the beginning of the control of conversation, in the second this time is a bit more but even if conversation was short and you had not time to intercept it that all the same you will know that conversation has taken place. If the entering call was during acoustics mode you from first second, automatically pass in a verification mode of telephone conversation, and SMS with the information who calls will come a bit later. During the control of conversations the user of phone can do proceeding and to accept entering calls. Thus the conversation control does not interrupt. If the second extraneous subscriber is united with the first in conference that you can already listen to conversation of three subscribers, and in case of work alternately, supervising phone is put on deduction together with the first subscriber.
3. The conversation control at a proceeding call. During a proceeding call spyphone sends SMS about the conversation beginning on supervising phone with the information on number on which the call, and as about that that a call proceeding is made. Other all as well as for a verification mode of an entering call.
4. The control entering SMS. At reception usual SMS the spy they automatically also are imperceptibly sent by phone on supervising number, thus except text SMS we receive the information from what number it has been sent also a direction, i.e. that it entering. If on reception of these SMS some numbers dispatch on all numbers will be made are programmed.
5. The control proceeding SMS. At sending usual SMS the user they automatically also are imperceptibly sent on spyphone, thus except text SMS we receive the information on what number it has been sent also a direction, i.e. that it proceeding. If on reception of these SMS some numbers dispatch on all numbers will be made are programmed.
6. Reading of notebooks, lists of the accepted, not accepted and typed phone numbers of the spy.
7. Remote programming. Management of the device, programming of numbers and their properties – remote, through SMS which are perceived by phone not considerably for the user.
8. «Black» and «White» filters. If you concrete numbers interest only or on the contrary you know that what control that of numbers is not necessary to you that it is possible to program them in the device and to appropriate to numbers those functions which to you are necessary. For example to receive all entering and proceeding SMS only from set numbers and are sonorous to supervise from all phones except set, thus SMS about the beginning of conversation with such number will not go.
9. Blocking SMS. At activation of the given mode reception and \or sending of all SMS is blocked, reception entering SMS is not displayed in any way on phone, and at sending proceeding phone informs on successful sending SMS but thus it does not reach the addressee. In any case all these SMS are sent to supervising program. This mode can be useful for example in a case when you have filled up the account on spyphone. In the answer can come SMS about successful replenishment of the account. In this case all are blocked entering on phone SMS, and after reception by supervising program SMS about replenishment, we switch off a mode.
10. Definition of new number at change by subscriber SIM of a card. At change of a card by the user in spyphone, the device imperceptibly sends SMS with new number and IMSI cards.
11. Number definition. If the user спайфона has left in other city or the country that is frequent there numbers of entering calls are defined not truly. In that case to conduct the control of acoustics and conversations it is impossible, since with which you supervise number will be perceived by phone as extraneous and such call will pass obviously. Therefore in a complex possibility to learn how your number is defined, with the subsequent reprogramming is provided.
12. Control possibility at not number definition. In the device possibility to make the control of conversations and acoustics is provided even if entering numbers are not defined at all. This function allows to make the control спайфона really everywhere where there is communication GSM.
13. Definition approximate a site of the subscriber. In reply to inquiry from the supervising program phone sends SMS with the information on the country and the operator in which works spyphone, and as LAC, ID, conditions of the battery and time established on phone. It is possible to program phone the spy so that reception of this information will be possible in an automatic mode with the set interval that it would be possible to trace approximate movement of phone.
14. The control as from the computer and operatively from a mobile phone is possible. Probably any combination, for example entering SMS and as SMS about the conversation beginning go on mobile supervising phone, and proceeding SMS go on the computer, or duplication of sending SMS both on the computer and on a mobile phone.
15. The control of acoustics after conversation. If to number this property that of the conversation control is appropriated, after its end we can automatically pass from first second in acoustics verification mode.
16. Remote control by the device. This function allows to send SMS in which the sequence of actions of the device is programmed. Having received such SMS phone in accuracy will execute all that you for it have programmed. It is necessary for remote opening of services without which a cellular telephone prowhisper it can be impossible, for example inclusion of service of a multiport conference at the operator, is imperceptible for the user spyphone.
17. A dialling mode.
In spyphone on the basis of Samsung the mode is provided – at a proceeding call phone imperceptibly dials at first on supervising number and if for two hooters the tube has been lifted connection and after that phone calls on that number which is established the user has typed. In this mode are as much as possible eliminated unmasking the conversation control, signs.
18. Programming of functions probably in any combinations.
20. An automatic recording of the received information on a hard disk.
21. Safety.
Into a single-channel complex enters:
1. Which we wish to supervise a cellular telephone
2. The modem for connection to the computer
3. Cable USB for modem connection to the computer
4. A sound cable
5. Soft
In a complex possibility of protection against that is provided that the program of one user could not to operate another's phone. Programming to 14 numbers with which probably is provided to conduct the control of phone and for the task of the list of filters. 15th number is intended for deleting of all programmed numbers from their properties. Information deleting occurs at a call from 15th number, thus the device accepts it silently and at once beats off connection. For example, for what that of supervising number it is possible to set only possibility of the control of acoustics, and for another only the control entering SMS.
Siemens S55 S65 CX75 S75 SL75
Samsung G600 D900i D900 D500 D600 Е730 E820 Х700 X100 E500 E780 X670 E250 E200, at present at phones Samsung of function of management are a little limited.
Siemens CX75 Siemens S75 Siemens S65
Siemens SL75 Samsung D500 Samsung X700
Samsung D600 Samsung E730 Samsung E820
Samsung D900i Samsung E780 Samsung E250
Samsyng E500 Samsung X670 Samsung E200
The additional equipment:
• For the laptop it is possible to use wireless radio modem PCMCIA GSM/GPRS Billionton Wireless Modem.
Radio modem PCMCIA is not included into the complete set.
• For convenience of process prowhispers from a mobile phone the device which is intended for an automatic recording of conversations for internal memory of phone has been made.
In options it is possible to include or switch off a conversation recording. Conversation remains in the form of a file, in a file name time, date, a phone number and a call direction is specified.
In options it is possible to include or switch off a microphone, thus if the microphone is switched off, during conversation the interlocutor does not hear you, but if you include a dictophone the microphone will work.
Becomes only on безе Samsung E730, E590.
If to call on phone the spy from in advance programmed number, it will silently accept a call, and you can hear everything that occurs round it on distance to 3-5 metres. Thus the user spyphone can press on it any keys, and carry out all operations which is possible to carry out on phone, in particular to accept and do calls, thus acoustics is not broken off. If for acoustics control the program the sound is automatically written on the computer is used. There is a possibility to write acoustics automatically, in the set intervals of time.
Облако Тэгов
Новак заявил о праве России зеркально ответить на запрет «Северного потока-2»
Вице-премьер России Александр Новак предупредил, что Москва имеет полное право зеркально запретить прокачку газа через «Северный поток-1» в ответ на санкции по отношению к «Северному потоку-2». По его словам, Москва бы могла в связи с необоснованными обвинениями в свой адрес и запретом в отношении «Северного потока-2» наложить эмбарго на прокачку газа по «Северному потоку-1».Зеленский пообещал продолжать переговоры с Россией до достижения результата
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский пообещал продолжать переговоры с Россией до достижения результата. «Мы будем говорить, будем настаивать на переговорах пока не найдем способ сказать нашему народу — "вот как мы придем к миру"», — заявил Зеленский. Он отметил, что в Белоруссии прошел уже третий раунд переговоров.